"La scienza è un importante strumento della conoscenza. L' errore è ritenere che sia il solo"   

Tiziano Terziani   

        BioControl Lab 

(2023-2025) PRIN

Two-years grant awarded to develop the research project entitled “HOME4.0: Brain Signal Humanoid Integrated Home Assistant Platform” supported by MUR, PNRR ECOSISTEMI PER L'INNOVAZIONE. Role: Track-3 Responsable for UNICT. 


(2022-2025) SAMOTHRACE

Three-year grant to develop the research activity entitled: “Systems for the identification and control of bioprocesses ” supported by MUR, PNRR ECOSISTEMI PER L'INNOVAZIONE. Role: WP4-Track-3 Responsable for UNICT. 


(2011-2013) PRIN

Two-year grant awarded to develop the research project entitled “Integration of Strategies for an Innovative Control of Microfluidics Systems and Applicative Validity” supported by MIUR, National Research Framework (Bando PRIN 2009). Role: Principal Investigator and National Coordinator . 


(2011-2012) Programma Vigoni

A years grant awarded to develop the research project entitled “Graph-Theory Approach for the Identification of Large Scale Dynamical Networks in Neuro-Cognitive Processes” supported by Ateneo Italo-Tedesco, Programma Vigoni (Bando 2010). Role: Principal Investigator.


(2008) British Council

A year grant awarded to develop the research project entitled “Smart Home Healthcare Systems for the Elderly” supported by British Council and MIUR in the programme “British-Italian partnership programme for young researcher” (British 2008). Role: Principal Investigator.


(2010) Funding to have access to the “Integrated Nano-Microelectronics Clean Room” (ICTS) to develop the project “Microfluidic Control System based Micro-Bubble Logic and Optical Actuation ", in the program "GICSERV" supported by Consejo Superior De Investigaciones Cientificas, Spagna. Hosting Institution: Centro Nacional de Microelectronica (CNM), Universidad Autonoma de Barcelona, Spain. Role: Principal Investigator.

(2009) Funding to have access to the “Integrated Nano-Microelectronics Clean Room” (ICTS) to develop the project “A Polymeric Device for Distributed Detection and Control in Microfluidics", in the program "GICSERV" supported by Consejo Superior De Investigaciones Cientificas, Spagna. Hosting Institution: Centro Nacional de Microelectronica (CNM), Universidad Autonoma de Barcelona, Spain. Role: Principal Investigator.

(2007) Funding to have access in the “Integrated Nano-Microelectronics Clean Room” (ICTS) to develop micro-optic device in relation to the project “Monitoring and Control Systems for Microcirculatory Networks", in the program "GICSERV" supported by Consejo Superior De Investigaciones Cientificas, Spagna. Hosting Institution: Centro Nacional de Microelectronica (CNM), Universidad Autonoma de Barcelona, Spain. Role: Principal Investigator.


(2008) Regione Sicilia

One-year grant awarded to develop the research project entitled “A platform for the support to diagnostic based by bio-potential” supported by Presidenza Segreteria Generale-Regione Sicilia. Role: Principal Investigator.